Annual Fund at Woodland

Woodland Presbyterian School's Annual Fund is the cornerstone of yearly fundraising efforts and is designed to raise money to meet the gap between tuition revenue and the actual cost of educating a Woodland student. The Annual Fund fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30 every year. Woodland, like other independent schools, depends on both tuition and tax-deductible, charitable gifts as sources of available income in order to respond to the challenges of the rising costs of educating a student today. Woodland relies on 100% participation from its Board of Directors, Faculty and Staff, and current families. With this participation, Woodland hopes you will carefully consider your Annual Fund support at the level that best fits your giving ability.

How to make a gift to the Annual Fund?
  • Give Online
  • Mail a check to Woodland Presbyterian School, Development Department, at 5217 Park Avenue, Memphis, TN, 38119.

All Annual Fund gifts are tax-deductible.

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Tonya Eddins

    Mrs. Tonya Eddins 

    Director of Development

Don Frazier Tuition Assistance Fund

In January 2022, the Board of Directors voted to establish the Don Frazier Tuition Assistance Fund in memory of Mr. Frazier who served as Headmaster at Woodland Presbyterian School from 1992-2005. During Frazier’s tenure, he expanded the Woodland campus by adding the Dunavant Building (current SK-4th classrooms), the Baker Building (science labs, 5th and 6th grade classrooms, and the administrative offices), and the athletic fields.

The Don Frazier Tuition Assistance Fund will help ensure students that would otherwise be unable to afford an independent school education have access to attend Woodland. We are grateful to the many people in our community who have made gifts to the fund honoring Mr. Frazier’s legacy.

For more information regarding making a gift to the Don Frazier Tuition Assistance Fund, please contact Development Director Tonya Eddins at or (901) 685-0976.

Honorariums & Memoriams

Can gifts be made in honor or memory of an individual?
Yes, tribute gifts to Woodland can be made in honor or memory of an individual and are a great way to honor faculty members, students, or alumni. The honoree or the family of your honoree will receive acknowledgment of your tribute. Please contact to make a tribute gift or give online today.

Making a Matching Gift

What is the Matching Gift program?
A matching gift is a charitable gift made to a nonprofit by a matching donor (employer) under the provision that an original donor (employee) first makes a gift to that organization. Woodland Presbyterian School qualifies as a non-profit, so please check with your place of employment to see if they offer a Matching Gift program. If they do, please obtain a matching gift form and turn it in with your gift. This will increase the value of your donation!